
This is the boat, the golden boat

Fingerplay by Kathy Reid-Naiman

This the boat, the golden boat (cup both hands to make a boat)
That sails on the silvery sea (move the hands like waves)

And these are the oars of ivory white (lace the fingers together, palms up)
That lift and dip, and lift and dip (raise and lower the hands)

And here are ten little fairy men (hold up ten fingers)
Running along, running along (make the fingers run)

To take the oars of ivory white (repeat the actions)
That lift and dip, and lift and dip
To move the boat, the golden boat
Over the silvery sea.

And here is the moon, so big and round,
That shines on the boat, that is homeward bound.
Back to the harbour, safe and sound,
From its sail on the silvery sea.

Meer van Kathy Reid-Naiman:

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